
To Stretch the Imagination is a spell written in the Halliwell Book of Shadows. It allows the caster to stretch the imagination of others, allowing them to open up to new truths.


Paige Matthews used this spell in 2002, when her friend Glen Belland came to visit at the Halliwell Manor and accidentally found the Book of Shadows. She cast the spell in the hope of getting him to be openminded and accept magic, though the spell had the unintented effect of giving him the power of Elasticity.[1]

Four years later, Piper Halliwell suggest using the spell in their fight against the demon Zankou.[2]

Book of Shadows[]

Original Season 4 entry[]

To Stretch the Imagination

The entry seen in Oh My Goddess! Part 1.

To Stretch
the Imagination

Let mind and body soar
to heights not
reached before
Let limits stretch
that you may catch
A new truth
to explore.

Alternate Season 6 entry[]


The alternate entry seen in The Power of Three Blondes.

To Stretch
the Imagination

Let mind and
body soar
to heights not
reached before
Let limits stretch
that you may catch
A new truth
to explore.

