
"Nobody move! Everybody keep their hands where I can see them. Let's go! All your valuables, all your money! Hurry up! Watches, wallets."
—The Thug while robbing the bar.[src]

This Thug attempted to rob a bar in San Francisco with one of his friends and was killed by Cole Turner.


As Cole Turner was drowning his sorrows in a local bar, two thugs burst in and attempted to rob the place. When Cole was shot and his glass was shattered, he regenerated. Annoyed that he was disturbed, he attacked the thugs and later vanquishing them both with Energy Balls.[1]

A year later, Barbas used this incident as proof against the Charmed Ones when they were standing trial in front of The Tribunal. He stated that with her constant rejections, Phoebe had driven Cole to this point.[2]


The Thug appeared in a total of 1 episode over the course of the series.

