Deity (plural: Deities), was a divine race of supreme magical beings that possessed a vast plethora of supernatural powers. They are considered to be the most powerful forces in the universe and might be responsible for the creation of the universe itself. Although the word "god" can be gender-neutral and applied to either female, male, or genderfluid/nonbinary, the gender-adapted terms for a male would be known as "god", whereas a female would be called a "goddess".
There are various kinds of Gods and Goddesses with different origins. While Shakti and Shiva are presumably truly divine, it was revealed that the Greek Gods were given their powers by the Elders from a divine essence to fight the Titans. However, the true nature of the Gods and Goddesses remains a mystery.
Creation of the Universe
Shakti, the Goddess of Creation, and Shiva, the God of Destruction, existed before the universe, which they created by consummating their love. This supports the theory that the Grand Design is the gods' intended nature of the universe, which was hinted at by one of the Angels of Destiny while negotiating with the Charmed Ones.
The Greek Gods
- Piper: "…why don't you tell us how we can vanquish the Titans?"
- Chris: "Except you can't vanquish them."
- Piper: "You mean not without the Power of Three?"
- Chris: "Maybe not even with that. The only way the Elders could stop them three thousand years ago was by infusing some mortals with a hell of a lot of power. Way more than you guys have."
- Piper: "So they can do it again."
- Chris: "Not after what happened last time. When the mortals trapped the Titans, the power went to their heads. They declared themselves gods and forced the world to worship them. The Elders swore they would never allow that to happen again."
- — Piper and Chris[src]
In the days of Ancient Greece, the Titans ruthlessly ruled the Earth. In fear of these powerful beings, the mortals worshipped them as Gods to appease them. To end the Titans' tyranny, the Elders infused a group of mortals with a tremendous amount of power, in hopes they would be strong enough to stop the Titans. However, once these mortals had entombed the Titans in ice, their power consumed them and they lost their humanity. They declared themselves gods and forced the world to worship them. These mortals then became the Greek Gods of mythology, such as Zeus, Aphrodite, and Athena. After the Elders succeeded in taking back the divine essence, they swore they would never allow this to happen again. They put the essence in a sacred vase and locked it in a vault in the Upper Regions. According to Chris Halliwell, the power granted by this essence was superior even to the Power of Three, which was considered to be among the most powerful forces of magic to had ever existed.
Aurora Borealis
Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, is a natural occurrence of lights in the night sky in northern regions of the world. It was named after the Greek goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the god of the north wind, Boreas.
Pandora's Box
At some point, the Gods gave a box to a man named Prometheus. The box contained all the sorrows of the world that should never be released. A mortal girl named Pandora opened it, releasing the sorrows onto the world. She eventually reclaimed the sorrows and became the first guardian of Pandora's Box.
The Golden Belt of Gaea
The goddess Gaea gave a magical belt as a gift to the mortal Hippolyta. The belt possessed transcendent powers and she tried to use it to unite the sexes. However, her plans backfired, and retreated to an island of women, killing all men who dared to enter. Eventually, the demi-god Hercules butchered her and the belt found its way to another female.
Ancient Egypt
The mage Anubis was worshipped as a God of Death and Rebirth in ancient Egypt. He led a revolt against the Avatars when they attempted to create Utopia and created a vanquishing potion for them, forcing the Avatars to retreat and delay their plans.
Return of the Greek Goddesses

The Greek Goddesses
In 2003, an Unidentified Demon freed the Titans from their entombment to claim power over the Underworld. However, the Titans vanquished him and sought to exact their revenge on the Elders instead. After the Titans nearly slaughtered all remaining Elders, Leo Wyatt entered the vault containing the essence of the Gods and granted its powers to the Charmed Ones, transforming them into Goddesses in order to increase their strength in the upcoming battle.
Piper Halliwell became the Goddess of Earth and her sisters Phoebe and Paige became the Goddess of Love and Goddess of War, respectively. However, the Titans still proved too powerful to stop until Piper lost herself in anger and pain after discovering Leo had become an Elder, and had to leave their family behind permanently. She then single-handedly vanquished the Titans by opening a large chasm in the earth, swallowing them whole with Paige's help. Piper then went on a rampage in San Francisco until Paige and Phoebe calmed her down. She confronted Leo and willingly released the essence.
Shakti and Shiva

Shakti and Shiva
While attending a Hindu wedding in 2004, Piper and Leo became possessed by the essences of the Hindu Gods Shakti and Shiva. These Gods were said to have created the universe by consummating their love and it was warned they would destroy it if they consummated their love once more. However, the Gods are later expelled from their bodies with a spell.
To Release the Essence of the Greek Gods and Goddesses
- Eccere, oh, gee,
- Ac mando ma mento.
To Remove Gods from Mortals
- We call upon the mortal ways,
- And Gods who guide but may not stay.
- We seek those of divinity,
- To separate from and set them free.
Powers and Abilities
The Gods are supreme magical beings and as such, possess vast magical power. These vast powers are transferred to a host when a divine essence possess the body of its vessel. Aside from gaining power and knowledge related to their domain, taking in an essence may also result in physical changes such as gaining additional arms or a change in hairstyle and color. Additionally, the host may receive new clothing and even weapons depending on the essence.
According to Leo's explanations, the bond between a host and a divine essence seems to be based on that person's personality and history.[1] Despite once losing herself to the darkest of loves, Phoebe managed to return from it, which was why she became the Goddess of Love. Though she had a constant desire to become a stronger witch, Paige never let herself become consumed with power, which was why she became the Goddess of War. Piper became the Goddess of Earth because she was—in Leo's eyes especially—everything that was good and beautiful in this world as well as the mother of his son.
Taking in a divine essence comes with great danger, as the host will be tempted to use the seemingly unlimited powers for personal gain, which could lead them to become completely lost in their desires. Besides this, one can only channel the true power of the Gods by declaring themselves divine, meaning that they will lose their humanity. As demonstrated by Piper, being consumed by severe emotional pain is another method of unleashing the true power of the divine essence, and unless said essence is extracted from the host, it is possible for the pain to lead the host to destroy the world.
- Active Powers
- Teleportation: The ability to teleport from one location to another without occupying a space in-between. All deities were shown to possess some form of teleportation, which was apparently based on their own unique individual powers and domain.
- Vast Magical Powers: The Gods naturally possess a great number of divine powers, but were also shown to specify certain unique abilities that were dependent on their respective natures. For example, the Goddess of War possesses the ability to project holograms and could fire bolts of lighting from her trident (as shown by Paige). The Goddess of Love possesses the power of luring men (as shown by Phoebe), and the Goddess of Earth had dominion over the earth and the air (as shown by Piper).
- Omniscience: Gods are also granted near-absolute knowledge on their respective domains' history as Paige was aware and knowledgeable about the war tactics of "every battle that has ever been fought" as the Goddess of War.
- Other Powers
- Immunity: The ability to be immune and invulnerable to the effects of certain powers, spell-casting, and potions to varying degrees.
- Invincibility: The ability to be invulnerable to and withstand any amount of harmful force of any kind, giving them no true, permanent physical damage.
- Immortality: The ability to possess an infinite lifespan, arrested aging process, and protection from most mundane illnesses, diseases, toxins, poisons, etc.
Notes and Trivia
- Out of the four Charmed Ones, Piper is the only one to become a Goddess thrice: the Goddess of Earth, a Demi-Goddess (when she wore a Valkyrie Pendant), and the Hindu goddess Shakti. Meanwhile, Prue was the only Charmed One who never became a Goddess as she was already deceased at the time.
- Although they were never truly divine, the Titans are considered to be divine-like beings due to their tremendous amount of powers.
- Mercury was the self-proclaimed Roman God of Thievery. All that was revealed about him was that the Mercury Demons once worked in his service.
- In "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", Hecate is a Wiccan Goddess. In Charmed, she is a demon. In reality, Hecate is a Greco-Roman Goddess associated with magic and crossroads. She is also sometimes associated with the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess in Paganism.
- There is a plot hole about the origin of the gods. "Oh My Goddess! Part 1" said that the gods were created by the Elders to fight the Titans. However, "A Call to Arms" says that Shakti and Shiva created the universe, which means that they appeared before the appearance of magic and mortals. Although perhaps Chris meant only the Greek gods.
- ↑ As mentioned by Leo Wyatt when he explained why he granted the sisters the essences in "Oh My Goddess! Part 2".