
Scather Demons are a breed of demons. One clan of these demons, led by Dreylock, was loyal to the Triad and guarded Christy Jenkins during her captivity. The entire clan was later vanquished by Billie and Christy.


After Billie Jenkins found and freed her sister, Dreylock tortured the Scather Demon that stood guard over her, who was telepathically manipulated into leaving. Dreylock declared the guard to be a liability and vanquished him with a fireball. Then Dreylock, alongside his second in command Java and another Scather Demon, tried to get Christy back but were unsuccessful, and the unnamed demon was vanquished.

Though fearful because of their failure, Dreylock and Java reluctantly summoned the Triad. Candor vanquished Java for his failure. While Asmodeus said not to let their anger get the better of them, Baliel considered vanquishing all the Scather Demons, having previously predicted their failure. Dreylock convinced the Triad to give him another chance. He took Christy back to the underworld, but Billie arrived, and together she and Christy vanquished Dreylock and his entire clan.

Powers and Abilities[]

Basic Powers
Active Powers
  • Fireballs: The ability to throw spheres of fire.
  • Shimmering: A demonic form of teleportation.
  • Sensing: The ability to sense the location of other beings.


Notes and Trivia[]

  • The necklaces worn by Scather Demons on the show are known as Heartagram, a trademark of the Finnish rock band, HIM.


Scather Demons appeared in a total of 1 episode over the course of the series.
