
Earthshakers are magical creatures with the power of geokinesis. They are only featured in the novel, The Brewing Storm.

In the book, nature falls out of harmony once every century, and an earthshaker is given the responsibility to join forces with four other elementals (a firestarter, a waterbearer, a windwalker, and a human spirit) in the Circle of Gaea and combine their powers to restore balance to nature by performing the Ritual of the Guardians.


Muriel Hammond[]

Main article: Muriel Hammond

Muriel Hammond is a descendant from a family of Earthshakers. She works with Christopher Young in locating the other Elementals to perform the Ritual of the Guardians. After Christopher died, Muriel waited until Piper came to explain what she knew about the situation.

After uniting with the other Elementals, Muriel told them the ingredients they needed to bring to the ritual. They confront the demon, Tempest, who gains control over the Elementals' powers by standing inside the Circle of Gaea. Darryl Morris manages to tackle him out of the circle and give the Charmed Ones the opportunity to vanquish him. Muriel then teaches the Elementals the procedure to perform the ritual, which saves the world from its own destruction.

Powers and Abilities[]

Basic Powers
  • Spell Casting: The ability to cast spells and perform rituals. Windwalkers are to chant the spell required to calm the forces of nature on the Night of Aeolus.
Active Powers

Known Earthshakers[]


  • Tyler once jokingly called the Earthshakers "Earthstarters".
  • According to Muriel, she comes from a long line of Earthshakers in her family and has been aware of her magical heritage throughout her life.


The Earthshaker appeared in a total of 1 non-canonical novel throughout the franchise.
