Dream Dust is a golden powdery substance that, when sprinkled in small amounts, causes people to dream. Sandmen use it to give all human dreams, both magical and mortal, to work out inner conflict. Neither dream dust nor Sandmen can control the dream and what happens in it.
When too much is used on a person, figments of their dream can come out of their subconscious minds and into reality. Sandmen are made of entirely of dream dust, so if they are vanquished in any way, their bodies explode into a pile of dream dust.
In 2003, the demon Axel used Tracer Demons to kill Sandmen and steal their dream dust, with the intent of keeping mortals from dreaming. Once the Tracer realized what a dust overdose could do to others, he used it on the Charmed Ones to keep them distracted long enough to kill the sandman. His body exploded into dream dust, and the Charmed Ones used it to confront their problems in their dreams in hopes of getting rid of their dream figures.[1]
Powers and Abilities[]
- Dream Creation: The ability to make others dream.