
"It's a joke spell, Tessa. This is just supposed to be fun. I mean, you can choose any animal to turn into a man and you chose a pig."
—Brooke to Tessa.[src]

Brooke was one of three mortal girls who shared a class with Phoebe Halliwell, along with Andrea and Tessa.



The girls casting the spell.

On Valentine's Day in 2000, Brooke and the other girls tried to perform a spell to turn animals into men. Brooke chose a snake because she thought it was kinky. When their attempt failed, they used a recording of Phoebe casting another version of the spell, which worked.

The transformed animals quickly turned violent and realized the magic was only temporary. In order to remain human, they tried to find Phoebe. The Snake then bit Brooke and Andrea, poisoning them in order to use them as leverage. While the animals entered P3, Prue and Piper found the girls in a car trunk and ensured they got to the hospital to be treated.


Brooke appeared in a total of 1 episode throughout the course of the series.
