As Puck Would Have It is the 34th novel in the Charmed novel series.
It takes place between Season 6 Episode 6 "My Three Witches" and Episode 13 "Used Karma", as Phoebe is still dating Jason, but he is in Hong Kong.
For a complete plot of As Puck Would Have It, go here. |
Three sisters sent on a wild goose chase—
A mystery to solve, a demon to face.
To save a soul before time runs out,
Learn when to trust and when to doubt!
It's tough to get good service these days—at least if you're a Charmed One. Piper has an odd altercation with a housekeeper, Phoebe receives some strange advice from a computer technician, and Paige witnesses the questionable wilderness skills of her hiking guide all in the same day. The sisters come to the conclusion that magic must be to blame. They soon deduce that the mythological and literary troublemaker Puck has decided to pay them a visit. Just as they realize who is responsible for all the chaos, Puck—who is as curious as he is mischievous—appears and announces that he has devised a plan that will let him see the Power of Three in action: The circus has come to town, and he knows of an Innocent in need of protection.
At the circus the three sisters must find the one in peril while a devilish, shape-shifting Puck leaves them second-guessing their every move. With an unknown Innocent in danger and time running out, will the Charmed Ones be able to outsmart Puck and defeat evil before it's too late?
- Piper Halliwell: The eldest sister with the powers of Molecular Immobilization and Molecular Combustion. A deceptive magical creature comes to her and her sisters to motivate them to stop a demon from killing animals in the circus.
- Phoebe Halliwell: The middle sister with the powers of Premonition and Levitation. A deceptive magical creature comes to her and her sisters to motivate them to stop a demon from killing animals in the circus.
- Paige Matthews: The youngest half-sister with the powers of Telekinetic Orbing and Orbing. A deceptive magical creature comes to her and her sisters to motivate them to stop a demon from killing animals in the circus.
- Puck: A powerful and deceptive being whose origins are as mysterious as the tricks up his sleeve. He comes to the Charmed Ones to help stop a Bestiari demon from killing animals. His multitude of powers involved Shapeshifting, Fading, Power Manipulation, Illusion Casting, Technopathy, and Zoolingualism.
- Reed Huntington: Manager of the circus.
- Dr. Jordan Kahn: An immortal man who works in the circus as a veterinarian.
- Bestiari Demon: The demon disguised himself as a clown to infiltrate the circus and drain the life forces of animals for sustenance.
- Wyatt Halliwell: Piper and Leo's son. He has powers beyond everyone's apprehension.
- Elise Rothman: The editor-in-chief of The Bay Mirror.
- Lane Strickland: Tasha's trainer.
- Tasha: An elephant targeted by the demon.
- Leo Wyatt: The sisters' Whitelighter and Piper's husband. He is absent from the story due to being at a retreat for Elders and Whitelighters. Puck temporarily takes his form to trick Piper into going to the circus.
- Goulahga: A demon who almost destroyed the Halliwell Manor the day before Paige went on her weekend camping trip. They had a difficult time keeping him at bay before they finished making the vanquishing potion. The sisters nicknamed him the "Goo Demon", supposedly because of his ectoplasmic residue left behind by the vanquishment.
- Jason Dean: Phoebe's boyfriend and owner of The Bay Mirror. He is in Hong Kong.
- Penny Halliwell: The Charmed Ones' late grandmother who had the power of Telekinesis. She once brought her granddaughters to a circus years ago.
- Prue Halliwell: The eldest Charmed One with powers of Telekinesis and Astral Projection. She died in the hands of a demon.
- Zeus: A tiger targeted and killed by the Bestiari Demon.
- Sabra: A Lipizzaner horse targeted and killed by the Bestiari Demon.
- Apollo: The tiger replacing Zeus after he started feeling sick.
- The Elders: Whitelighters on higher positions. They manage Whitelighters and assign them to their charges.
- Tongo: The elephant before Tasha. He fell ill for a time but recovered, and retired sometime after.
Magical Notes[]
Book of Shadows[]
- The Book has an edited entry on Puck, but many sentences were either crossed out or replaced that Puck's origins remain a confusing mystery.
To Vanquish the Bestiari Demon[]
- Power of Three spell
- To save the creatures in this realm,
- From powers that can overwhelm.
- For all animals strong and hairy,
- Rid us of this Bestiari.
- Conjuration: Used by Puck to create and manipulate objects.
- Enhanced Agility: Used by the Bestiari Demon.
- Glamouring: Used by Puck to make himself look like other people.
- Hovering: Used by Puck to float in midair.
- Hyper Speed: Used by the Bestiari Demon.
- Illusion Casting: Used by Puck.
- Levitation: Used by Phoebe to hover in midair to identify the Bestiari Demon among a dozen clowns, and later to escape the demon pursuing her.
- Life Draining: Used by the Bestiari Demon to drain animals' life forces and obtain their attributes.
- Molecular Immobilization: Used by Piper in an attempt to freeze Puck, then Reed to look through video shelves, a group of clowns moving at her and her sisters, and then attempt to freeze the Bestiari Demon.
- Molecular Combustion: Used by Piper to blast the Bestiari out of Tasha's tent.
- Orbing: Used by "Paige" to move around places.
- Premonition: Used by Phoebe when she touched Puck's business card to hear the sound of a trumpet.
- Super Strength: Used by the Bestiari Demon to fight Phoebe.
- Technopathy: Used by Puck to mess with Phoebe's computer, block Piper's calls and manipulate the video players.
- Telekinetic Orbing: Used by "Paige" to move packs of cotton candy to save Phoebe from falling to the ground.
- Teleportation: Used by Puck to move between spaces.
- Zoolingualism: Used by Puck to communicate with animals.
- Book of Shadows: The Halliwell family's tome of spells and information.
- Enchanted Flower: Paige was given a flower by Puck. It was enchanted to keep her from orbing, and later accessed her power to orb her back home after Piper and Phoebe figured out Puck was impersonating Paige.
Notes and Trivia[]
- Leo does not appear in the story, but Puck does turn into him briefly to send Piper to the circus.
- Phoebe changes her office computer password now and again. The most recent password was Kurzon.
Differences from the Show[]
- Leo is still married to Piper.
- There is no mention of Chris Halliwell.
- Phoebe doesn't have the power of empathy.
- There is a reference to the season 2 episode, "Morality Bites", where Phoebe was burned at the stake for murdering a man.
- References to the movie, "The Greatest Show on Earth". Phoebe compared the demon to Jimmy Stewart's character.
- Puck made a reference about "Charlie's Angels" when he appeared on the computer screen and said "Good morning, Angels".
International Titles[]
- Dutch: Een demonische grappenmaker (A Demonic Joker)